
How to break page in word document
How to break page in word document

how to break page in word document

Please suggest an improvement (login needed, link opens in new. For instance, one of the common reasons for page break errors is the disabled Keep with next option, which breaks a paragraph or a table across consecutive pages. Select the option Allow Row to break across pages Click OK. The above settings are also important if you cannot understand the reasons for a layout, even with the Show/Hide button on. Troubleshooting Page Breaks in a Word Document

  • Page break before: This option adds a page break before a specific paragraph and enables you to display it on a new page.
  • Keep lines together: This prevents page breaks in the middle of paragraphs and helps bind lines together.
  • For instance, you can keep a heading and paragraph below it together instead of the header on one page and the paragraph on another.
  • Keep with next: This option prevents breaks between paragraphs you want to stay together.
  • Place a checkmark on this option, and Word places at least two lines of a paragraph at the top or bottom of a page. "Orphan" is the first line at the bottom of a page.

    how to break page in word document

    Widow/Orphan: "Widow" refers to the last line of a paragraph at the top of a page.

    How to break page in word document